Serving Dickson, TN
and Surrounding Areas
Getting a brand-new HVAC system is extremely costly. The last thing you want is to let simple maintenance go and then end up spending thousands. With the right heating system maintenance tips in Dickson, TN, you can avoid this problem.
When was the last time you thought about your heating system at all? Follow this guide to keep your HVAC system in good condition all year long.
Air filters trap all kinds of debris from the air that circulates in your home. From dust to pet hair, your air filter can become bogged down with these materials. You should perform frequent checks on your air filters, preferably once every month.
Most air filters only need to be replaced quarterly (once every three months). By keeping your filters fresh, you allow your heating system to work more efficiently.
If you heat your home with a heat pump, part of the system is located outdoors. Keep your outdoor heating unit free from debris like seeds, leaves, and droppings in the fall. During the winter, try to keep moisture from snow and ice out of the unit.
These actions will help you avoid the buildup that clogs the fan and forces your heating system to work harder.
If you have a drafty home, your heater is constantly working overtime to maintain warm temperatures. Make sure you seal any windows, doors, and cracks that let cold air leak in.
One way to check for this problem is to place your hand near the edges of windows and doors. If you feel a cold draft that isn’t present anywhere else in the room, that’s a red flag. You can use cheap weatherproofing strips to fix this issue.
Maintaining your heater is just as important as fixing it when something goes wrong. Heater maintenance is simple — our technicians come out and check for any problems your heater may have. If something is loose or broken, we fix it. Don’t let your heater maintenance fall by the wayside this year.
Follow these heating system maintenance tips in Dickson, TN, to keep a warm home year-round. If something needs to be inspected or fixed, you know who to call — David Brown!
David Brown Heating & Cooling is proud to be an American Standard dealer and will service all makes and models!
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