Serving Dickson, TN
and Surrounding Areas
Are you interested in having an installation of an air purifier in Dickson, TN or elsewhere in our service area? With many types of air purifiers on the market, like UV lights and ionizing purifiers, you might feel at a loss for what will work for your home. We can make it much easier for you, since we install one of the finest all-around air purification systems available, the iWave Air Purifier.
The iWave is a whole-house air purification system that our technicians can install into your existing HVAC system, where it will work out of sight at providing your home with cleaner, fresher air.
iWave works using needle-point bi-polar ionization to create negative and positive ions which it then injects into the air stream of the HVAC system. These ions break down pollutants so they turn into harmless compounds. The ions are also effective against viruses, bacteria, and mold because they cause a decomposition of these pathogens’ surface proteins, which makes them inert and harmless. There’s a third level of cleaning as well—the ions attach to pollen and particulates (dust, dander) which makes them clump together for your home’s air filter to trap easily.
This is a natural process, cleaning the same way nature purifies air. And unlike many other purifiers that use ionization, the iWave does not create harmful ozone byproducts.
The iWave’s technology makes it one of the most powerful air cleaners available. It’s also constructed to provide other benefits:
An iWave Air Purifier has several advantages over the other two most common types of air purification systems: UV (ultraviolet) lights and UVPCO ionizers:
If you want more information about an iWave installation and how it can benefit your home, feel free to call our expert team. We offer quality products and quality service.
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